Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To seek adoption of the BCP Council plan for play, a green spaces play and wheeled strategy; and allocation of funding for delivery.
Content: RESOLVED that: - (a) The strategy is formally adopted, comprised of: i. Plan for Play ii. Design guide iii. Improvement Plan iv. Evidence base and appendices; (b) The Consultation plan for phase one of the Improvement Plan is approved to ensure it is developed with our communities and partners; RECOMMENDED that Council: - (c) The allocation of £548,047 of capital funds from various planning obligations and reserves to the Improvement Plan; (d) The allocation of £3,390,609 from Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy to the Improvement Plan; and (e) Both (c) and (d) are subject to receiving the subsequent endorsement of the Director of Finance based on the availability of the necessary cash. Voting: Unanimous Portfolio Holders: Environment Communities and Partnerships Reason Supports the Corporate Strategy in improving our environment and play spaces, making a difference for people and communities. Supports the aims and principles of the Green Infrastructure Strategy. Provides an opportunity to invest in new play spaces, modernise our provision and enable future generations to have access to exciting, challenging and contemporary play equipment, fit for future generations. Supports service improvement in managing our ageing play stock, supports pressures on revenue budgets. The Plan for Play and suite of strategic documents will provide a sounds base for any future investment and funding bids, internally or externally with community partners and funders. The strategy is required to be able to prioritise improvements and any financial investment, ensuring those areas that need improved spaces the most have first consideration, moving away from an ad hoc, scatter-gun approach to repairs and funding. Supports Public Health commitments as set out in Dorset’s physical activity strategy, ‘A Movement for Movement’ and a range of health and well-bring drivers seeking to reduce inpatient admissions related to physical and mental health conditions that can be mitigated by time in green space and being more active. Works to create accessible and inclusive spaces supported by the Equalities Impact assessment. Supports Planning Policy and the forthcoming Local plan.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024