Decision Maker: Waste & Street Scene Policy Committee
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To pull together existing work on flytipping reduction into a new strategy and action plan.
Content: To pull together existing work on flytipping reduction into a new strategy and action plan. 10.1.1 Members of the committee considered a report of the Executive Director Neighbourhood Services outlining a new fly-tipping reduction strategy for 2025-26 focussed on education, engagement and enforcement. 10.2 RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee; 1. Reviews and agrees the proposed attached Fly tipping reduction strategy and action plan for 2025-26. 10.3 Reasons for Decision 10.3.1 Fly-tipping is a costly and unsightly blight on our communities and land and has long been an issue of concern locally and nationally. Whilst we have delivered significant improvements in our response over recent years, we need to continue and improve that work, as the problem remains. 10.3.2 There are no excuses for fly-tipping as our waste service provision is very comprehensive so we should have a zero tolerance to it. To achieve maximum outcomes working together with partners we needed a new high-profile strategy and delivery plan to further drive down fly-tipping and track our progress. Agreeing this plan will help us achieve that. 10.4 Alternatives Considered and Rejected 10.4.1 The main alternative would be to not have a new strategy and instead simply do this work within the context of the regular work of the relevant services. We do not think that would be the right approach. Fly-tipping is such a persistent issue in Sheffield and nationally that it requires close co-operation between services, an intelligence led approach and a wide range of smaller interventions to achieve any significant improvement. Many services also have funding challenges and high demand. As such to deliver the outcomes we desire for the city we believe a new reduction plan is required.
Date of Decision: December 13, 2024