Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: The Mayor considered a report regarding the Councilâs Surveillance Policy. The report sought approval of the proposed corporate Surveillance Policy 2024/25. The report detailed that guidance underpinning the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 stated that elected members should review the Councilâs use of RIPA powers and set the RIPA policy at least once per annum. Use of RIPA powers were considered annually by Audit Committee as part of the annual report of the Senior Information Risk Owner. Statistical information on use of the powers would be reported to a future meeting of the relevant Scrutiny Panel. In response to a query from the Mayor, it was clarified that the report noted the current position. A short discussion ensued in relation to drones and the issues that use of these would have presented. OPTIONS The Council could have chosen to restrict this policy to RIPA activity only and develop and implement separate policies relating to non-RIPA surveillance, employee surveillance and other issues not currently covered by policy. However, this was not recommended, as a single policy provided for a coherent and systematic approach and was in line with the Councilâs commitment to openness and transparency. ORDERED That the annual review of the Surveillance Policy was approved. REASONS The proposed policy would ensure that surveillance activity undertaken by the Council complied with its strategic priorities and statutory obligations, was lawful and that due regard was given to human rights and to data protection rights. All decisions will come into force after five working days following the day the decision(s) was published unless the decision becomes subject to the call in procedures.
Date of Decision: December 17, 2024