Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: The Cabinet received a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which asked members to consider enactment of a new policy, allowing for charges to be made for occupation of temporary accommodation (TA), based on appropriate affordability checks. The proposed policy sought to ensure fairness by focusing on: ensuring affordability for the resident; not discouraging residents from seeking employment; ensuring there are no disincentives to residents seeking to move on from temporary accommodation; making sure residents have access to the support that they need to move on and live independently; and recouping as much of the costs to the Council as is reasonable, while remaining in line with the above principles. If adopted, all residents being placed into TA would receive an affordability assessment, carried out by Housing Options, at the first point of contact. In addition, affordability assessments would also be carried out on current residents of TA, to assess whether they should be required to contribute to costs going forward. Options/Alternatives considered: Option 1 – to approve the proposed policy in its entirety in order to ensure that residents receive appropriate support to remain independent, and contributions towards costs are obtained from those who can afford to pay. Option 2 - do nothing. The preferred Option was Option 1 to approve the policy. Resolved: That the proposed Temporary Accommodation Fair Share Policy, as outlined in the submitted report, be approved and adopted.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024