Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Place and Growth concerning a proposed amendment to the existing Terms of Reference of the Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee to enable effective strategic leadership in the development of any devolution proposition for Cheshire and Warrington. The Terms of Reference, including the proposed amendments, were included at Appendix A. Members noted that the proposal followed a meeting of the Joint Committee on 29th November 2024 at which it was agreed to propose the changes to its Terms of Reference to the three Councils – Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire East and Warrington Councils. This would allow the Joint Committee to advance a potential devolution agreement with HM Government to such a stage as it can make specific recommendations to this Council. Members further noted that, since the functions of Local Enterprise Partnerships became the responsibility of local authorities in April 2024, government funding for sub-regional matters was now left with the respective local authorities to determine. The current Terms of Reference did not specifically refer to this and the proposal was to amend them to clarify this. Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council, led the discussion on the item as proposer and the item was seconded by Councillor Paul Donovan, Cabinet Member for Democracy, Workforce and Communities. DECIDED: That 1) Part 2 of the Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee Terms of Reference, as shown in the Appendix, be amended to support devolution as part of its strategic role; and 2) the final decisions related to the establishment of a Combined Authority and a devolution agreement be noted as matters that will be brought back to this Council. Reasons for Decision 1) Enabling the Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee to lead on the strategic direction for potential devolution will provide clear subregional leadership with a shared ambition to ensure that business and residents have the opportunity to seek maximum benefit from possible devolution. 2) Via representation from all Cheshire and Warrington Councils, it will provide a ‘whole place’ response - ensuring that all the many differences across the subregion are considered, including rural and urban issues as well as areas where subregional scale will be important, such as business sectors and transport viability. It is expected that ‘sub-groups’ will be formed with wider Council representation to explore detailed elements of potential devolution, such as skills, transport and regeneration. 3) It will also ensure that Cheshire and Warrington can move ‘at pace’ when required, supported by this single point of contact for the subregion - for example, maximising any investment opportunity via the Spring 2025 Spending Review and supporting strategic economic development opportunities. 4) This option also still ensures that each Council in Cheshire and Warrington will make the final decisions on devolution. Alternative Options 1) It is considered that the Joint Committee provides the best option to explore and review opportunities via devolution. 2) It would take too much time and resource to create a new Joint Committee. 3) It would be very difficult, costly and time intensive to try to secure a ‘single voice’ for the sub region by trying to take direction separately via each of the three Councils.
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024