Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: The Trees for Climate programme was originally approved by Cabinet in June 2020. This report asks Cabinet to approve an extension of the Trees for Climate programme, funded by DEFRA, beyond April 2026 and potentially to 2030 with the Council continuing in its role as the accountable body.
Content: The Trees for Climate programme was originally approved by Cabinet in June 2020. This report asks Cabinet to approve an extension of the Trees for Climate programme, funded by DEFRA, beyond April 2026 and potentially to 2030 with the Council continuing in its role as the accountable body. Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Economy and Housing which sought approval for the Council to accept, allocate and spend grant funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for a successor programme to the current Trees for Climate (TfC) programme, with the Council continuing to act as the ‘Accountable Body’. Members were reminded that the TfC programme helps achieve national and Council climate emergency targets and noted that accepting the funding from DEFRA represented an opportunity for the Council to build on the success of the current Programme. The new Programme would continue to lead on delivering new woodland, enable management of existing woodland, enable a national programme management role for the Council and deliver specific climate emergency actions set out in the Council Plan. Members were informed that the new Programme, currently named Trees for Climate 2, will cost up to £578,000,000 over 20 years, fully funded by DEFRA and will deliver 13,756ha of new woodland, acquire and plant 1976ha and restore 2000ha of existing mature woodlands. This represented a major increase in the outputs from the current programme. Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council, led the discussion on the item as proposer (on behalf of Councillor Karen Shore) and the item was seconded by Councillor Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration and Digital Transformation. Visiting Members: Councillors Simon Eardley and Charles Hardy spoke in relation to the item. Members welcomed the report and the continued, significant opportunities provided in relation to wider community, nature and economic benefits. Members thanked Mersey Forst for all their hard work and were proud that the council was hosting this programme. Members highlighted the importance of ensuring that families have easy and free access to woodland and forests, particularly in an increasingly digital world, and acknowledged the positive benefits in relation to people’s mental health and wellbeing. DECIDED: That 1) an additional sum of up to £578,000,000 of grant funding from DEFRA, as Accountable Body over an initial 6-year period 2025/26 to 2030/31, with a 20 year period of spending of funds to plant and establish and manage woodlands through to 2046, in respect of the Trees for Climate programme, be accepted, subject to legal advice on offered grant terms and conditions in accordance with F.4 of the Council’s Finance and Contract Procedure Rules; 2) the Director of Economy and Housing, in consultation with the Director of Governance and the Director of Finance, be delegated authority to: (i) accept funding from DEFRA, and act as Accountable Body for the funds over a 20-year period; (ii) allocate grants to partner Local Authorities, Community Forest Trusts, National Trust and other bodies as part of the agreed programme delivery plan; and (iii) approve and monitor governance of the Programme. Reasons for Decision 1) The Trees for Climate programme continues to provide significant opportunities to deliver elements of the Council Plan related to Climate Emergency along with an array of wider community, nature, and economic benefits. 2) The Trees for Climate programme also continues to bring employment opportunities into the Borough to support delivery and management of the programme. 3) All costs incurred by the Council as ‘accountable body’ for this national programme are recouped from the DEFRA grant with no financial contribution from the Council. The Trees for Climate programme also helps to deliver the Mersey Forest Plan, a policy in the Local Plan and helps to deliver the Council’s Climate Emergency Plan. Carrying out the role of Accountable Body, whilst not without challenge, also shows the Council’s leadership in climate action and provides opportunities for positive interaction with government departments, officers and ministers. Alternative Options 1) There is an option to not accept the grant funding. However, not to accept the funding would result in DEFRA looking for another Local Authority Partner to take on the accountable body role. A major element of the Council Climate emergency Plan would also be undeliverable. None of which are desirable. Therefore this option is not recommended.
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024