

Decision Maker: Democracy, Workforce and Communities Portfolio Holder

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: In accordance with the Council’s Finance and Contract Procedure Rules (F5) this report seeks approval to award a grant of between £50,001 - £500,000 to a third sector organisation.

Content: In accordance with the Council’s Finance and Contract Procedure Rules (F5) this report seeks approval to award a grant of between £50,001 - £500,000 to a third sector organisation. That the award of a grant of £39,000 per annum for the period of three years (up to 31st March 2027), totalling a sum of £117,000 over the three-year period to Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race and Equality Centre (CHAWREC) be approved.  (This grant support relates specifically to CHAWREC’s running of the Unity Centre (multicultural centre) in Chester and also activities within the areas of Northwich, Winsford and Ellesmere Port). 1)           CHAWREC is on the front line dealing with diverse people, with complex needs. It is the only specialised local organisation already delivering support for people from a global ethic majority and is well recognised for its work supporting refugees and asylum seekers. The Council’s funding of CHAWREC arrangements expired earlier in 2024, and as a consequence there is currently no Council financial support to CHAWREC for the continuance of its services (including payment of its personnel). This is a key service provision for our borough, and appropriate funding is essential to enable this service to continue.   2)           Under the Public Sector Equality Duty section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, the Council is required to consider the most significant disparities in relation to issues of harassment, discrimination, equality and good relations across all policy, service delivery, employment and commissioning services.   3)           The Council recognises the operating environment that CHAWREC has had to endure and sees CHAWREC as a key partner in the delivery of current Council objectives. The recommended package of support will allow relevant Council areas in consultation with CHAWREC, to explore options that not only bring a stable and sustainable footing to the organisation, but also to encourage the development of a sound foundation on which to deliver future services. The Council could decide not to provide any further funding to CHAWREC.  However, as well as the risks outlined in the report, this would result in both CHAWREC and the services operated from the Unity Centre and across the borough ceasing to exist. This would have direct impact on those vulnerable people who CHAWREC supports, including Refugees and Asylum Seekers, and it is strongly not recommended to pursue this option.

Date of Decision: December 13, 2024