Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: We are proposing to let and award a contract for the supply and installation of air to water source heat pump system (s) at 105 Greyhound Road, W6 8NL and the Public Mortuary at 200 Townmead Road, SW6 2RE.
Content: 1. To note that Appendix 1 is not for publication on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). 2. To award a contract to London and Kent for the upgrade of the whole HVAC system installation, including new Heat Pump, Air Handling Units and Hot Water Cylinders and associated ancillaries at The Public Mortuary, for a contract term of 6 months / 24 weeks, with a total contract value of £716,889.11. To award a contract to London & Kent Air Conditioning Ltd, which has provided the most economically advantageous tender, scoring high on quality at a competitive price. The award of this contract for these urgent works will ensure the reliability of the assets with less disruptions to the services that operate out of this building. Failure to award this contract will see further deterioration in the reliability of the assets, which could see the closure of the services leaving the West London Boroughs with no functional mortuary. Six of the tender submissions met all minimum quality requirements. One failed the technical evaluation section. Tender evaluations were based on price submitted for carrying out the decommissioning of the existing air-cooled chiller, gas fired boilers and hot water generators, existing supply and extract air handling units and replacement with new Air Source Heat Pump, new air handling units with heat recovery and new hot water calorifiers and the quality response to technical questions. The split between the commercial and technical envelopes was 60%:40% respectively and the results are included in Appendix 1.
Date of Decision: December 4, 2024