Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To consider the Masterplan.
Content: To consider the Masterplan. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio presented the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to the Skerningham Masterplan Document (also previously circulated) to ensure that is consistent with the Darlington Borough Local Plan Policy H 10 and the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The submitted report stated that Policy H 10 of the Local Plan required a comprehensive Masterplan, including an infrastructure phasing plan to be prepared, in consultation with the community, prior to the submission of any planning application relating to the site, that informed the mix of uses, layout, scale, design, provision of local and strategic infrastructure, including social and community facilities, and phasing of the proposed development. The final version of the Masterplan was prepared by Litchfields, on behalf of Theakston’s Land and Banks Group, the two companies with the largest amount of land interest in the area; a consultation exercise ran from 30 October to 30 November 2023; following that consultation the responses received were reviewed and some amendments were made to the Masterplan; and following discussions between officers and the authors of the document, further amendments were made. It was reported that the Garden Communities Officer from Homes England had also been involved with the process and was content that the Masterplan had met the terms of public engagement and did not conflict with the Garden Communities principles nor the Local Plan or Design Code SPD. The Council had sought legal advice who had confirmed that, in their opinion, the Masterplan, as drafted, was consistent with the Local Plan Policy H 10 and the adopted Design Code SPD. Members and members of the public addressed Cabinet in respect of the Skerningham Masterplan and raised a number of issues and concerns and requested what assurances could be given that the number of authorised builds would not exceed 1,650 before 2036; the section of the local distributor road between Barmpton Lane and Bishopton Lane would be completed prior to house 450 being completed; the section between the A167 and A1150 would be completed between the 900th and 1,500th dwellings; and how this could be achieved, as no agreements had been reached with the landowners to secure the land for the local distributor road (LDR). References were made at the meeting to the fact that the masterplan did not meet the ‘20 minute walkable neighbourhood’ for all homes and essential services; the nearest schools to the development; the fact that planning applications had already been submitted for development of the site; the development of the bridge on the site; involvement of National Rail in the development of the bridge; the options for the alignment of the LDR; the development of the haul road, for construction traffic via Bishopton lane; the impact on traffic of the development on other roads in the area; the impact on the ecology and the woodland; biodiversity net gain; the impact on residents; possible flooding implications of the development; lack of sustainable travel; lack of protection for Skerningham Woods; construction traffic along Barmpton Lane; the fact that the development was taking place on a flood plane; and who would have oversight over the whole scheme. References were also made on when and how often the document would be reviewed and the involvement of Scrutiny Committees and Council in agreeing the masterplan. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio and the Leader of the Council responded thereon. RESOLVED – (a) That Cabinet was content that the developers Skerningham Masterplan, as appended to the submitted report, was consistent with the Local Plan Policy and the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Supplementary Planning Document. (b) That the Skerningham Garden Village Masterplan, as appended to the submitted report, be agreed. (c) That any subsequent revisions to the Skerningham Garden Village Masterplan be returned to Cabinet. REASON - Policy H 10 of the Darlington Borough Local Plan requires the Council to agree a comprehensive Masterplan for the Skerningham Garden Village allocation in the Local Plan.?????
Date of Decision: December 3, 2024