Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The Mayor declared a waste emergency at full Council in November 2022. There were concerns that the waste services were failing, and that the overall performance was poor and lacked visibility. Further briefings to the Mayor and MAB detailing the initial findings and the Waste Improvement Programme was approved on 13 June 2023. December 2023, the Mayor approved an investment of £5m for 2024/2025. On 16 April 2024, the Mayors Waste Improvement Programme (MWIP) delivery plan details were shared with The Mayor and the subsequent action was to provide a quarterly update to MAB. The report provides details of the MWIP with focus on delivery timeline, plans for the key arterial routes and how this investment will be embedded into the on-going long-term improvement of the service.
Content: DECISION 1. Note the Q2 Mayors Waste Improvement programme (MWIP) progress report and provide comments. Action by: Corporate Director Communities (S. Baxter) Interim Director, Public Realm (A. Ali)
Date of Decision: December 18, 2024