

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: To present the council representations made for the Regulation 16 Consultation on the Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan

Content: Crowhurst Parish Council had prepared a review of the Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) following designation of the parish as a Neighbourhood Area in 2015.  The CNP review was subject to a formal public consultation, which ended on 6 December 2024 and representations received would be considered by an independent Examiner to determine whether the CNP review met the ‘basic conditions’ required.  The Council was a statutory consultee and therefore was able to make representations as part of the process; the Council’s proposed response to the consultation was attached as Appendix A to the report.   The CNP consisted of 18 policies and additional community aspirations relating to the period 2018-2028 in line with the end date of the Council’s Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.  It was considered that overall, the CNP was in ‘general conformity’ with the policies of the adopted Rother Local Plan Core Strategy. The CNP had been submitted to Rother District Council for a pre-submission review and many of the comments made had been taken on board, resulting in a much-reduced number of comments made at this stage; an approach welcomed by the planning officers.   Some amendments had been recommended in relation to the Plan text around housing figures; core character components in the High Weald Management Plan; biodiversity net gain; blue infrastructure; and design.  It would be for the examiner to determine whether these would be taken on board.        Councillor Killeen, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning acknowledged the vast amount of work and effort that had gone into the reproduction of the CNP by Crowhurst Parish Council, residents of Crowhurst and Council planning officers.  Councillor Field, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Joint Waste Contract, Licensing and Climate Strategy also expressed her support, particularly with regard to the inclusion of an environmental policy to protect the dark skies of the parish.  It was agreed that the Council’s representation be forwarded to the Independent Examiner for consideration, as submitted.   RESOLVED: That the:   1)    main body of the report and representations set out at Appendix A to the report be submitted, together with supporting material, for consideration by the Examiner in relation to the submitted Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan; and   2)    Chief Executive be authorised to consider any potential modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan that may be raised through the examination process, in order to secure a Neighbourhood Plan in general conformity with the adopted Rother Local Plan Core Strategy and Development and Site Allocations Local Plan.    

Date of Decision: December 9, 2024