

Decision Maker: Audit Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: To recommend to Council approval of a protocol for hybrid meetings of General Licensing Panels

Content: Members considered the report of the Head of Environmental Services, Licensing and Community Safety which gave details of a recent High Court decision confirming that Licensing Panel hearings could be held remotely or part remotely (hybrid), if the licensing authority had a written protocol setting out the criteria for holding in-person hearings, fully remote hearings or a hybrid procedure. The Council, as a licensing authority under the Licensing Act 2003, was required to hold hearings if it received an application and a representation was received. In addition, hearings were to be held if applications to review premises licenses were received.   The proposed protocol was set out at Appendix A to the report. Members were asked to consider recommending to Council the approval and adoption of the protocol and for it to be incorporated into the Council’s Constitution.   The Committee agreed that the Hybrid Licensing Panel Meeting Protocol be recommended to Council for approval and adoption and that the Protocol form part of the Council’s Constitution.   RECOMMENDATION: That the Hybrid Licensing Panel Meeting Protocol at Appendix A to the report be approved and adopted and form part of the Council’s Constitution.

Date of Decision: December 2, 2024