Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Councillor Dacre, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources presented a written report of the Director, Resources and Transformation on the Half Year Corporate Performance Report 2024/25. Calderdale Council was committed to delivering the three strategic priorities to reduce inequalities, develop thriving towns, tackle the climate emergency, and also bring a new focus on how the Council would become more sustainable and effective. This was reflected in the recently published and Cabinet agreed Corporate Plan 2024-26 which showed how the Council would deliver this change and meet current and future challenges and improve the lives of our residents, businesses, and visitors. Performance framework underpinned the work against these priorities to improving the lives of our residents which was part of the wider Vision for Calderdale and was being refreshed to jointly create the Vision 2034 for Calderdale. There remained many significant challenges for the Council such as sustained budget pressure on local authority finances nationally, with particular reference to Adult’s & Children’s Social Care and the cost of demand. It was therefore important to reflect on how well the Council had performed as a Council in meeting these pressures in this first half of 2024/25. More importantly it served as a baseline to inform areas of focus for the remainder of the financial year and beyond, to address new and emerging challenges going forward and identify improvements to the Council’s approach. The report provided background information and outlined options considered, consultation and financial, legal, environmental, health, economic, equality, and diversity implications. During discussions Members took the opportunity to acknowledge achievements in their portfolios. These achievements included the increase in special guardianship orders by focusing on early intervention and family support, increase in the number of schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, and the improved position of the planning department. Members noted that there continued to be challenges within adults’ and children’s services, and thanked staff for their continued hard work in delivering services. RESOLVED that: (a) the current performance of the Council to date this financial year and action(s) to improve performance, be noted; and (b) the Half Year Corporate Performance Report 2024/25 be submitted the relevant Scrutiny Board.
Date of Decision: December 9, 2024