Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: Cabinet will be asked to endorse a new Strategy and longer-term framework which has been co-produced with all North Halifax stakeholders. The Strategy will set out our shared vision for North Halifax and how together all sectors, the Council, partners and the community, can work in partnership and collaboration across North Halifax, to tackle deprivation and support long lasting regeneration.
Content: Councillor Courtney, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Regeneration and Transport presented a written report of the Director, Regeneration and Strategy that sought approval of the North Halifax Strategy. The North Halifax Strategy was a 10-year plan setting out the Council’s commitment to shared priorities and goals that were important to local people. The communities of North Halifax, made up of Ovenden ward and Illingworth and Mixenden ward, represented a significant population within Calderdale (25,534 people or approximately 12% of Calderdale). Although these were distinct neighbourhoods, they shared a geography on the outskirts of Halifax. The area had experienced long-lasting, severe deprivation and the wards were among Calderdale’s most deprived communities in the 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation before Covid. In January 2022, Calderdale Council committed to taking a focused approach to North Halifax, to deliver transformational change and better outcomes for local people, join up current and planned investment, and ensure the future of key local assets. Cabinet requirements of the strategy were that it should be place-based, collaborative, community-led, long-term, strategic and integrated, with additional capacity in the Council to drive this work forward through a Programme Manager to work closely with the community and anchor partners. The Strategy for North Halifax and the commitment to a long-term strategic relationship with the community fit within the Council’s vision for Calderdale now and into the future, which was for Calderdale to be a place where everyone thrived, in vibrant communities, where businesses could grow, residents lived fulfilled lives and felt supported, and our environment was protected. The strategy supported the four Council priorities: · Reducing inequalities · Thriving towns and places · Climate action · Sustainable and effective Council The report provided background information and outlined options considered, consultation and financial, legal, environmental, health, economic, equality, and diversity implications. During discussions Members paid tribute to Faye Henderson, North Halifax Programme Manager, Strategic Infrastructure for the work undertaken to pull the communities together along with representatives from Active Calderdale and Ward Councillors, and to gain peoples trust but also making residents feel part of those places. Members advised that there had been many challenges and noted residents’ sense of community, pride and belonging to the area which was evidenced in the response to the fire at Ash Green School. Members welcomed the use of language within the report and the focus on early years, education and special educational needs provisions, the use of family hubs, health and library facilities. Members explained that the model that had been developed for North Halifax could be used in other areas of Calderdale. RESOLVED that: (a) the North Halifax Strategy be approved; and (b) the commitment of key partners to working with the Council to respond to this strategic direction and work together to develop implementation and governance arrangements, be welcomed.
Date of Decision: December 9, 2024