Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: RESOLVED: a) approve the procurement of a new Framework Agreement for the provision of supported living for adults with learning disabilities in Lewisham. The Framework Agreement will be between the Council and a list of awarded suppliers and will run from 1 October 2025 until 30 September 2029. This will involve expenditure of approximately £12.3 million per annum. b) approve the appointment of the preferred providers on to the framework agreement and any subsequent awards of contracts called off under the framework agreement provided that they are within authorised limits, each individual call-off contract does not exceed the value of £6.2 million over its term and that the total value of all contracts awarded over the term of the framework does not exceed £56 million. c) delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care And Health (in consultation with the Director of Law, Corporate Governance and Assistant Director Community Services and Disabilities) to select the preferred provider(s) onto the framework agreement and select the preferred provider for individual contracts called off under the framework agreement in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the Tender documentation. d) agree extensions for 22 supported living contracts to allow time for the new Framework to be established. These contracts will be prioritised for procurement under the new Framework. The total cost of these extensions is £13,773,981.10. The cost of each individual contract is set out in Appendix 1.
Date of Decision: December 4, 2024