

Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: No


Content: RESOLVED to: 1.   Note and endorse the budget reduction proposals of £0.850m presented in Appendix 1, the detail of which was considered in detail and approved on 7 February 2024, enabling these to be taken forward and form part of the budget setting process for 2025/26. 2.   Note the £20.629m of General Fund and £4.195m of Housing Revenue Account proposals in Appendix 3a and 3b which are for officers to proceed with the preparation of these, consulting where required, to enable immediate delivery is in hand where these are for 2024/25 and will be actioned before the 1 April 2025 where these are for 2025/26, and will go forward to the next stage of the budget preparation process. 3.   In relation to CYP06, note that this is an officer key decision,  and ask officers to proceed with the 2025/26 saving and bring back the second year proposals for 2026/27 as part of reviewing the savings for that year. 4.   Note the Housing Select Committee’s comments on saving CR08 (Subsidy reduction), and note that the officer report tabled at this meeting responded to this in full. This proposal is an officer decision to agree to it proceeding to the next stage of the budget preparation process. 5.   Regarding the proposals totalling £5.833m for the General Fund and £0.163m for the Housing Revenue Account contained in Appendices 2a and 2b; ·        Approve savings CR05 and CR06 (Employers Pension Contribution), CYP08 (Sufficiency Strategy and IAS), and H02 (Homeownership Charges) to go forward to the next stage of the budget preparation process. ·        Authorise officers to undertake the public consultation required in relation to savings item H08 (EV charging on housing estates), noting that Sustainable Development Select Committee has asked that residents form part of this process, and delegate to the Executive Director for Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Better Homes, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness to implement the saving. ·        Approve the saving item P03 (Leisure Concessions) to go forward to the next stage of the budget preparation process, but ask that officers bring forward options, based on the referrals from scrutiny, as part of setting the sales, fees and charges in the budget for 2025/26. ·        Approve the saving item P01 (Assembly Programme) to go forward to the next stage of the budget preparation process, and ask that there is a strategic review of all the Council’s processes for engagement carried out, and that officers report back to Mayor and Cabinet with the outcome. Note that Safer and Stronger Communities Select Committee is undertaking a review in January 2025 as part of their workplan.  

Date of Decision: December 4, 2024