Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: RESOLVED that Cabinet:- 1. Note the £6.0M projected cost pressure on the Council’s 2024/25 General Fund budget, a deteriorating position since Q1; and 2. Note the ongoing cost pressures within Children’s Social Care and theplans in place to mitigate these pressures as far as is possible; and 3. Agree to receive further updates from Executive Directors on the delivery of their service reviews/efficiency savings and future spending plans, ensuring that these are managed within agreed budget envelopes; and 4. Note that the previously reported budget gap in 25/26 of £19M, is not fully reflective of the forecast outturn position in this report, which depending on the Local Government Financial Settlement, may require further savings over and above those already provisionally identified; and 5. Note the advice of the Director of Finance (S151 Officer) that the first call of any betterment in the forthcoming Local Government Finance Settlement be used to offset these increased pressures; and 6. Agree to receive an updated Medium-Term Financial Strategy later in 2024 following the Autumn Budget and Local Government Finance Settlement; and 7. Approve the further drawdown of earmarked reserves (£0.636M General Fund services) to fund previously approved expenditure in 2024/25; and 8. Note the Housing Revenue Account is forecast to outturn a balanced position; and 9. Approve the accounting write-off of historic bad debts totalling £0.941M as detailed in the report [NB: all debts remain liable for collection]; and 10. Note the forecast position on the Capital Programme; and 11. Note scheme slippage totalling £9.725M; and 12. Approve the net increase in scheme costs of £1.480M; and 13. Note the key messages from the Council’s Q2 Treasury Management activities.
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024