Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To seek Executive approval of the draft Fareham Housing Repairs and Maintenance policy for adoption. The Housing Act 1985 (as amended) places a number of obligations on landlords regarding the maintenance of their properties. All social housing tenants also have the ‘right to repair’ and for these to be conducted within a specific timeframe. Legislative changes and the new consumer standards introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) have imposed further requirements around repairs. Maintenance and planned improvements. The Repairs and Maintenance policy is primarily a consolidating document, bringing together the various process and policies and updating them in line with these new requirements, and provides comprehensive information regarding the Repairs’ Service responsibilities, processes, background and relevant legislation. At its meeting on 11 July 2024, the Housing Scrutiny Panel approved the document to go to the Executive. Following Executive agreement on 3 September 2024, the draft Repairs and Maintenance policy was circulated for public consultation from 16 September to 28 October 2024. The report summarises the outcome of the consultation and details the changes made in response.
Content: To seek Executive approval of the draft Fareham Housing Repairs and Maintenance policy for adoption. The Housing Act 1985 (as amended) places a number of obligations on landlords regarding the maintenance of their properties. All social housing tenants also have the ‘right to repair’ and for these to be conducted within a specific timeframe. Legislative changes and the new consumer standards introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) have imposed further requirements around repairs. Maintenance and planned improvements. The Repairs and Maintenance policy is primarily a consolidating document, bringing together the various process and policies and updating them in line with these new requirements, and provides comprehensive information regarding the Repairs’ Service responsibilities, processes, background and relevant legislation. At its meeting on 11 July 2024, the Housing Scrutiny Panel approved the document to go to the Executive. Following Executive agreement on 3 September 2024, the draft Repairs and Maintenance policy was circulated for public consultation from 16 September to 28 October 2024. The report summarises the outcome of the consultation and details the changes made in response. RESOLVED that the Executive: (a) notes the outcome of the consultation and the changes to the Policy and accompanying documents; (b) agrees that the Fareham Housing Repairs and Maintenance policy be adopted; and (c) agrees to delegate powers to make minor amendments needed, such as in response to future updates to Government guidance or minor corrections, to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing.
Date of Decision: December 3, 2024