Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet had before it a report * and NOTED from the Corporate Manager for People, Governance and Waste and the Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager on the Corporate Risk Quarter 2. The Leader of the Council and the Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager outlined the contents of the report with particular reference to the following: Considerable progress had been made over the past year to manage the most significant risks. Many of the risks on the register had seen their risk scores reduced through the work of the Council for example 3 Rivers, Cullompton Town Centre Relief Road, and Homes for Ukraine Scheme. Even where risk scores had not improved, there had been a huge amount of work to ensure the Council had maintained its risk position and was in a position to improve – such as in the areas of cyber security, climate change, and financial sustainability. A robust process was in place for managing corporate risks and presenting this information to the Audit Committee and to Cabinet. Members further strengthened the process through their check and challenge and there had been positive engagement in the past year. The approach had proved effective in 2024, and would provide the Council with a strong foundation to manage the risks of 2025. The Council’s current corporate risks with their updated position as of early November. Those were the risks which had been identified that may be most likely to impact the Council meeting its objectives. Any significant changes to the Risk Register since it was last reported to Cabinet were listed in the covering report, at paragraph 2.3. Audit Committee Members asked that Corporate Risk 9 and 9a related to 3 Rivers be reviewed by the Leadership Team given the closure of the company, with the remaining risk to focus on reputational risk. Discussion took place regarding: The risk rating 3, failure to meet Climate Change Commitments by 2030, would this be reviewed before the next quarter? Had the Council been subject to any Cyber-attacks and what security was in place to measure this? 3 Rivers Developments Limited was formally dissolved on 29th November 2024. This dissolution would be formally reported to Cabinet as part of the next financial report, but it was relevant to the discussion today regarding the review of the Risk Register. CR9 related specifically to the risks surrounding the closure of 3 Rivers Developments Limited. CR9a, on the other hand, pertained to the reputational risks experienced by the company and, by extension, the Council as its shareholder. At a recent Audit Committee meeting, there was a robust debate on whether those risks would remain on the Risk Register in their current form. Audit Committee’s input was a vital advisory body to the Council and this administration. CR9 and CR9a be replaced with one combined risk that reflected the current circumstances and identified the tangible risks and mitigation actions relevant today. This approach ensured the Corporate Risk Register remained focused on the strategic risks most likely to impact the corporate priorities of the Council. Note: * Report previously circulated.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024