Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Cabinet had before it a report * from the Chief Executive on the updated Election Fees. The Cabinet Member for People, Development and the Deputy Leader outlined the contents of the report with particular reference to the following: The level of Election fees should be reviewed regularly to take into account inflation as well as any changes in legislative responsibility. Locally-originated fees had not been reviewed or updated for over 20 years and this report was an update to that position. The Returning Officer had to pay for polling staff, postage, mileage and venue hire at prevailing rates in order to run elections. Those had increased over time, while the core team fees were set in the context of the headline Returning Officer fee as set by the Council. The difference between the Council’s current fees and the most up to date schedule adopted within Devon in 2023, was broadly equivalent to the increase that would have taken place if normal Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) had been applied each year. Discussion took place with regards to: Could it be confirmed that the proposal line in the table included in the report at 3.3 be adopted? Would the calculated fees make the election cost neutral or be expected to subsidise those or was there a surplus? RESOLVED that: The revised fees for Mid Devon District and Parish elections, as per section 3, take effect from 1st April 2025 and be APPROVED. That the fees would be updated annually from 2026 onwards in line with either the uplift of the previous year’s staff pay award, or by the CPI at the prevailing rate from the previous September, should the annual pay award be expressed as a flat cash rate rather than as a percentage. (Proposed by Cllr J Lock and seconded by Leader of the Council) Reason for Decision: The running of elections by the Returning Officer was overseen and monitored by the Electoral Commission. There were no legal implications associated with this decision. Note: * Report previously circulated.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024