Decision Maker: Planning, Environment & Sustainability Policy Development Group, Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet had before it a report * from the Director of Place and Economy on the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement, the Infrastructure List. The Cabinet Member for Housing, Assets and Property and the Deputy Leader outlined the contents of the report with particular reference to the following: The report related to infrastructure that could be funded partly or wholly by developer contributions. Local Planning Authorities were required to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement annually. The Statement included a summary of developer contributions collected and spent by the authority in the previous financial year, and an Infrastructure List which identified the infrastructure required to facilitate the delivery of the adopted Local Plan. The list was not exhaustive, it was a live document that continued to evolve and could be reviewed and updated anytime. The Planning, Environment and Sustainability Policy Development Group (PDG) were asked to consider the Infrastructure List at a meeting held on the 26 November 2024. The Group recommended the infrastructure list for approval by Cabinet with the following suggestions: Under Priority 2 - Sustainable Travel the group suggested widening reference to Cullompton Rail improvements to include rail improvements elsewhere in the district by referring to District Wide Railway Infrastructure. Under Priority 1 – Education Category to include specific reference within the 2nd line to include Post 16 provision. Discussion took place regarding the process, when items were added to the list in the future, and would this be reported back to Policy Development Groups and Cabinet. RESOLVED that: The list of infrastructure (Appendix 1; the Mid Devon Infrastructure List) that the Council intended to fund, either wholly or partly, by developer contributions as recommended by the Planning, Environment and Sustainability PDG be APPROVED. The Infrastructure List was included within the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) to be published on the Council’s website by 31st December 2024 as recommended by the Planning, Environment and Sustainability PDG. (Proposed by Cllr S Clist and seconded by Cllr J Lock) Reason for Decision: There was a legal requirement placed through Regulation 121A of the Community Infrastructure Levy largely applicable to CIL charging authorities to publish no later than 31st December in each calendar year an annual infrastructure funding statement which comprised “a statement of the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL (“the infrastructure list”)” Note: * Report previously circulated.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024