Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: It was RESOLVED that the report be approved and the following be noted: a) the expected revenue budget efficiency for the year of £1.786m and proposals to earmark this for cost pressures at Paragraph 4.6 and Table 2 to the report; b) the projected capital budget efficiencies of £3.598m including the reprofiling of schemes totalling £1.435m at Paragraph 4.9 and Table 3 to the report; c) the removal of £1m from the Capital Programme for travellers site acquisition and £1.5m to be added in relation to carbon offsetting land acquisitions for the 2024/25 programme going forward at Paragraph 4.10 to the report; and d) the expected largely balanced outturn position for special expenses at Paragraph 4.7 to the report.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024