Decision Maker: Executive
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To report any adjustments to the in-year programme
Content: RESOLVED KEY DECISION That the Executive: Approved the following changes into the capital programme: a. Kettering Pitch, Track and Pavilion, budget approval for £1.021m in 2024/25, £810k to be funded from an external grant, £33k from an external contribution and a virement of £178k from the Leisure Minor Works budget within the approved Capital Programme. b. Wilby School Building Refurbishment for Rowan Gate Special School – budget approval of £410k in 2024/25 to be funded from Higher Needs capital grant. c. Washbrook Road Ramp, Rushden – additional budget approval for £291k in 2025/26, to be funded £115k from S106 contributions and £176k from capital receipts/ reserves. d. Household Waste and Recycling Containers – additional budget approval for £464k in 2024/25 to be funded from Capital Receipts/ reserves. e. Thrapston Bus Stop Real-Time Passenger Information System – budget approval of £26k in 2025/26 to be funded from S106 contributions. Reasons for Recommendations: These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as helping to meet the Council’s corporate plan objectives: - Green sustainable environment - Better, brighter futures - Safe and thriving places - Connected communities - Active, fulfilled lives Alternative Options Considered: · For those schemes which are grant funded or from Section 106 contributions, they are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the grant conditions/ legal agreement and, therefore, there is no alternative option proposed in this report. · Where individual schemes are over £0.5m, separate reports are included elsewhere on this agenda, and these set out the wider options that were considered before reaching the proposals put forward.
Date of Decision: December 19, 2024