

Decision Maker: Executive


Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: Request to move £1m allocated for Estate Stock Condition and Compliance Works in 2023/24 in the Development Pool to the Capital Programme to add this to the current £2.25m budget. This will allow works to be delivered to improve NNC’s office accommodation and to undertake improvements to some of the council’s properties as identified in recent stock condition surveys. Approval will also be sought to procure these works.

Content: RESOLVED   KEY DECISION   That the Executive:   a)         Agreed to undertake the procurement for refurbishment of identified properties and replacement of furniture as required as set out at paragraphs 4.4 and 4.5 of the report.   b)         Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Assets & Environment, in consultation with the Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets, to take all necessary actions to deliver the project, including awarding of the contract.     Reasons for Recommendations:   ·        This project provides improvements to the Council’s corporate office accommodation allowing improvements to the environment for the workforce. ·        Works to the specific properties is undertaken to ensure their condition is improved and ensure insurance conditions are met. ·        Works undertaken reinforces the Council’s commitment made in the Carbon Management Plan including the replacement of more efficient equipment.   Alternative Options Considered:   ·        The condition of the properties needs to be improved to ensure that the life of the property is improved or maintained. The occupation of buildings has been considered as part of the assets rationalisation work recently undertaken which has helped to consider the properties whose use could be increased and which ones could be leased or disposed of.  ·        There is an option to deliver this in-house however these works are of a significant scale that this cannot be accommodated by our in-house resources.        

Date of Decision: December 19, 2024