Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: (Councillor Dawkins arrived at the commencement of this item) Councillor Sole introduced the report that asked Cabinet to consider increasing the number of audit days following a request from the audit committee. There were three options for Cabinet to consider: a) To give delegated authority to the S151 Officer in conjunction with the relevant Cabinet Member to review the level of need of additional days that would be required and that could be facilitated within the budget and resources available. b) To agree the additional days for Internal audit and build in the cost into future years budget c) To continue with the current level of internal audit days The Cabinet discussed the report, and the following points were made: The necessity for a flexible, risk-based approach to allocating audit resources was emphasised, rather than merely matching benchmarks set by other authorities. Members discussed audit coverage, particularly concerning exposure to cyber threats and the Director for Finance agreed to write to Cabinet members with an overview on that area from the previous audit. Assurance was given that cyber security will now be assessed annually as part of the audit plan. It was proposed, seconded and when put to vote RESOLVED To delegate authority to the S151 Officer in conjunction with the relevant Cabinet Member to review the level of need of additional days that would be required and that could be facilitated within the budget and resources available. Record of the voting: For (9): Councillors Baldock, Dawkins, Dixey, Charlotte Cornell, Chris Cornell, Hazelton, Nolan, Ricketts and Sole Against: None Abstained: None Reason for the decision: The additional costs are currently not available within the current year or built into the budget. It would be an operational change if Cabinet required additional days and therefore costs to be added. And a comparative reduction in service would be required elsewhere to balance the budget.
Date of Decision: December 9, 2024