Decision Maker: Adur Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Worthing Cabinet Member for Housing and Citizen Services
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: ADC Cabinet Member: That expenditure be approved for the redundancies resulting from the restructuring of Place & Economy. Following the outcome of the consultation two posts are subject to redundancy, the costs associated with the dismissals are £10,841.45. WBC Cabinet Member: That expenditure be approved for the redundancies resulting from the restructuring of Place & Economy. Following the outcome of the consultation two posts are subject to redundancy, the costs associated with the dismissals are £10,841.45. Adur Cabinet Member: I agree with the recommendation. The Organisation Design programme aims to realign the organisation’s operations to better meet the Councils' priorities and principles, ensuring an adaptive, resilient and participative organisation. Seeks to achieve financial savings while minimising impact on frontline services, contributing to the financial stability of the Councils and supporting the delivery of high-quality services amidst financial Pressures. These roles are not frontline services and therefore have been identified for deletion Worthing Cabinet Member: I agree with the recommendation. I am satisfied that the correct process has been followed and that it makes sense within the aims of the organisational design to absorb these roles into other areas. Suitable alternative positions have been considered but there are not any within the new structure that match the skillset of this role
Date of Decision: December 12, 2024