Decision Maker: Deputy Leader of the Council (Housing, Investment and New Homes)
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: This paper will set out the context and rationale for a required Deed of Variation to the Development Agreement signed with London Square in respect of the council’s land at 49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent and will seek appropriate delegated authorities to secure future redevelopment of the sites.
Content: 1. To approve to amend the council’s Minimum Requirements and revise the terms of the Development Agreement in December 2024 in line with the detail included in this report. 2. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director: Climate and Inclusive Growth, in consultation with the Deputy Leader for the Council(Housing, Investment and New Homes) and the Corporate Director of Finance to finalise terms, execute and enter into a Deed of Variation to the Development Agreement with London Square as well as publish associated legal notices in January 2025. 3. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director: Climate and Inclusive Growth, in consultation with the Deputy Leader for the Council (Housing, Investment and New Homes) and the Corporate Director of Finance to negotiate and agree all property and legal agreements including lease agreements on the satisfaction of the Condition Precedents with London Square and a NominationsAgreement to fully implement and facilitate delivery of the development.
Date of Decision: December 27, 2024