Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Children & Young People
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To request authority to tender for an emotional wellbeing and mental health support contract for UASC and former UASC.
Content: To request authority to tender for an emotional wellbeing and mental health support contract for UASC and former UASC. That the Corporate Director Children and Young People: i) Approves inviting tenders for a contract for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) and former UASC on the basis of the pre-tender considerations. ii) Approves officers evaluating tenders on the basis of the evaluation criteria. The Council requires the provision of a contract for emotional wellbeing and mental health support for UASC and former UASC. It has been determined that the most appropriate means of providing the contract is through the procurement of a contractor by way of a tender process. Officers considered whether the contract could be provided by the contract itself but concluded the cost implications and time required to build a team would not be possible within the timescales. Officers reviewed a range of procurement options but consider that a tender process is the most appropriate means of procuring a contractor.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024