Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: AGREED: To note the report and agree to the recommendations made by the People Overview and Scrutiny Panel and: i) Approve the RBWM Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024-27 for publication. ii) Agree to adopt mandatory domestic abuse awareness training for Councillors. iii) Ensure that all agencies and organisations work in a collaborative way to provide safe accommodation whilst maintaining support networks, where possible. iv) Explore ways to improve the signposting on the RBWM domestic abuse webpages to make it as simple as possible to access information and support, while maintaining a balance with the safety of victims. v) Ensure that the domestic abuse and safe accommodation strategy is delivered and appropriately aligned with the new refresh of the domestic abuse strategy. vi) That all residents are important and should be provided support, but victims with protected characteristics are given consideration in the domestic abuse strategy. For example, those from ethnic minority groups, military and travelling communities as well as those from the LQBTQ+ community, who can often find it more difficult to access services.
Date of Decision: December 18, 2024