Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: RESOLVED: 1. The Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Allocations process, listed as appendix 1 to this report was approved. 2. The use of this allocations process for specific homes acquired with LAHF funding was approved. 3. The amendments to the Council’s existing Allocations Policy, at Appendix 3, to refer to ‘Appendix 7 - LAHF Allocations Process’, as per Appendix 1 to this report was approved. REASONS FOR DECISION ‘Main Element’, ‘Bridging’ and ‘Resettlement’ homes that utilise LAHF grant funding are specifically for housing families who are on either Ukrainian or Afghan housing schemes. These properties will need to sit outside of our typical allocation process. This funding is being provided to help ensure that those communities which had been most generous in welcoming new arrivals were not ‘penalised’ with longer social housing waiting lists. Properties cannot be let outside of a lettings policy. There is no provision in the lettings policy to let Council properties to people who have not fulfilled the 3 year residency criteria i.e. resettlement homes. The Council has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with MHCLG on three separate rounds, as referenced in the background documents. The Council has invested £4.75m and £37.4m respectively into the delivery of homes under the Local Authority Housing Fund, which was approved at the November 2023 and October 2024 Capital Update. DETAILS OF ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED It is a requirement of receiving grant funding that the Council enters into a MOU with MHCLG. Therefore, the ‘do nothing’ option has been discounted as pursuing it would mean the Council forgoing the grant funding which has been used to purchase resettlement homes, as well as significant numbers of Temporary Accommodation. If the Council decides to allocate these homes without a process in place, then it would be open to legal challenge. For audit and anti-fraud purposes, to avoid legal challenge and to demonstrate equity, a policy and a process needs to be in place to allocate a property. To do otherwise leaves the Council open to maladministration and fraud.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024