Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: RESOLVED: 1. The findings of the stakeholder engagement carried out as part of the co-production of the Preparing for Adulthood Strategy 2024-2027 were noted. 2. Delivery of the Hackney Preparing for Adulthood Strategy 2024-2027 was endorsed and supported. REASONS FOR DECISION In a local area, the Council and key system partners across Education, Health, Social Care and the voluntary and community sector have a shared duty to ensure that young people with SEND are supported to transition to adult life, and that they achieve the best possible outcomes in education/employment, independent living, community inclusion and health. Stakeholder engagement has identified transition to adult services and support provided for preparation for adulthood as an area requiring improvement for Hackney. An extensive programme of stakeholder engagement has generated further insights which have informed the co-production of a Hackney Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) Strategy 2024-2027 with the involvement of a wide range of partners including young people with SEND and their parents and carers. The strategy is ambitious and comprehensive given the critical importance of supporting children and young people with SEND to receive the right support at the right time in order that they are able to achieve independence and have the best possible outcomes. It sets out key priorities and objectives which, when delivered against, will improve the local offer around preparation for adulthood and support the local area partnership to meet its duties as set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015. DETAILS OF ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED The alternative option is to continue delivering the PfA workstream as part of the Hackney SEND Strategy 2022-2025. By co-producing a dedicated PfA strategy, partners will have the opportunity to focus specifically on the key priorities and outcomes required to support young people with SEND as they transition into adulthood. This standalone strategy will provide a clear framework for collaboration, ensuring that services are well-coordinated and resources are utilised effectively to specifically meet the needs of young people with SEND as they transition to adulthood. It will also enable partners to identify and address gaps in provision, tailor support to individual aspirations, and develop innovative solutions to existing and emerging challenges. A dedicated strategy will also enhance accountability, allow for more effective measurement of progress, and place young people and their families at the centre of planning and decision-making.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024