Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: RESOLVED: 1. The adoption of the Sustainable Procurement and Insourcing Strategy 2024, attached as Appendix 1 to this report. Was approved. 2. That Council Officers, in consultation with a range of local partners, will further develop the draft implementation plan for delivery of the Strategy before we embark on its implementation, was noted. REASONS FOR DECISION The SPIS brings together the Council’s approach to insourcing of contracted services and delivery of wider community benefits into one document, and makes it clear that both objectives can be delivered in parallel. The Strategy has also been developed to reflect the Council’s increased commitment to insourcing, sustainability, and local development. Procurement decisions can have major socio-economic and environmental implications and benefits, in both the short-term and long-term. The Procurement function therefore plays a vital role in furthering sustainable development and helping the Council achieve its objectives. The Strategy document supports the principles set out in our environmental sustainability pledges, and seeks to deliver on the Council’s 2018-2028 Community Strategy commitments, as well as supporting the delivery of the Economic Development plan and the Climate Action Plan (CAP). It also provides clear position statements on our policies and commitments on new and emerging challenges such as health inequalities and labour shortages, and seeks to address the following key issues: · Ensuring that all contracted services are reviewed for insourcing · Increasing the proportion of goods and services procured locally and sustainably · Promoting Circular Procurement by adopting the principles of reducing demand, reusing and recycling, with particular reference to plastics · Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking · Continuing to promote Trade Union recognition in contracted services, and early consultation with relevant Trade Unions ahead of insourcing any services The consultation process for the development of this Strategy has been wide-reaching, and has considered how we can build on previous achievements and improve based on lessons learned. The consultation has ensured that the Strategy is ambitious and fit for purpose, and delivers on the Mayor’s priorities for the borough. As the Strategy is implemented and delivered, it will show how it has been designed to reflect the future of procurement in the public sector in terms of emerging best practice, legislative requirements and an ambition to improve upon the benefits being delivered to local communities, residents, and businesses through our procurement activities. In terms of legislation and other regulatory framework, the Strategy has been developed within the context of relevant statutory obligations and guidance including but not limited to: · Equality Act 2010 · Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 · Modern Slavery Act 2015 There are no direct financial implications from this report and for this version of the Strategy, and it is not anticipated for any future alterations over the life of its delivery. DETAILS OF ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED The alternative option to the adoption of this Strategy is to work to the existing Sustainable Procurement Strategy. However, the existing Strategy was designed to be delivered from 2018-2022, and is therefore now outdated. While the principles outlined in the existing Strategy are still important and relevant, there is scope for working to more ambitious targets, and there is also work taking place across the Council that should be highlighted more explicitly in the Strategy (e.g. work to tackle modern slavery). The new Strategy amalgamates both Sustainable Procurement and Insourcing commitments as opposed to having separate policy documents. Therefore, the option of continuing to work to the existing Strategy was therefore rejected.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024