Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Improvement, Executive Director: Resources
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To agree the award of a neutral agency vendor to supply agency workers to Bracknell Forest Council.
Content: To agree the award of a neutral agency vendor to supply agency workers to Bracknell Forest Council. That the neutral agency contract be awarded to Tenderer A, identified in Confidential Annex A, for an initial period of three years commencing 1 April 2025, with the option to extend by a further period of three years, subject to satisfactory performance and at the discretion of the Council 1. A new contract needs to be in place by 1 April 2025 for a Neutral Agency Vendor to ensure the provision of temporary/interim workers which are essential to meet the needs of the council’s staffing requirements. 2. The recommended contract meets all the criteria set out in the tender document and from the competitive tender process, represents the best combination of quality and value to the Council over the term of the contract. As set out in the procurement plan, originally the proposal was to follow a two-stage restricted procurement process due concerns over the frameworks that would be available for the duration of the procurement. However, with a framework now available this approach is being recommended rather than undertaking our own bespoke tender process as it is a more efficient route. Consideration was given to a master vendor approach, but this was rejected due to concerns over the ability of a single master vendor to supply especially around social care roles None
Date of Decision: December 20, 2024