Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: Councillor Cowcher (Deputy Leader - Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Stratford-on-Avon District Council) Councillor King (Place Portfolio Warwick District Council) In line with the Joint Cabinet Committee Terms of Reference, and at the invitation of the Chair, Mr George Martin addressed the Committee and raised points around the need for the NPPF to go further on Climate Change. Members were invited to raise questions, which the Planning Policy and Major Sites Delivery Manager (Warwick District Council) responded to. Note: Councillor Williams arrived during the representation from the above speaker. At the invitation of the Chair, the Planning Policy and Major Sites Delivery Manager introduced the report, and drew members’ attention to the proposed amended wording to the Vision Statement, to read as follows: ‘By 2050 South Warwickshire will be a flourishing, healthy and vibrant place where people will continue to want to live, work and visit. The vision is to meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs and strengthen local communities, while responding to the climate emergency. The plan will provide homes and jobs, boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time.’ The joint Chairs of the South Warwickshire Plan Advisory Group were then invited to address the meeting and made reference to the numbers of Boat Dwellers within the Gypsies and Travellers document as incorrect and required revisiting, which officers had agreed to do, and suggested that the wording ‘battery storage’ be amended to read ‘energy storage’ in order to future proof all technologies, which was agreed. The Chairs also requested that thanks to all officers be recorded, for their work on the Plan to date. The Chair of Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) gave feedback from the OSC meeting held on 29 November 2024. He advised that members had recommended that more clarity be provided on local housing and employment needs. Members also queried the disparity between the housing land supply between the two districts, the robustness of the evidence and the impacts of past performance. Engagement with residents, including the proposed FAQ’s, was also noted, and the requirement for regard to infrastructure. The Chair then opened the floor to the Group Leaders from both Councils, the feedback from which was heavily focussed around the requirement to have infrastructure in place prior to any housing development commencing, particularly in rural areas. In addition, the density and housing mix of any development was raised as important factors for consideration. All Group Leaders also wished to thank officers, for their work on the Plan and in providing briefing sessions for all Councillors. At this juncture, in the absence of the Chair of Warwick District Council (WDC) OSC, the Chief Executive for Stratford-on-Avon District Council presented feedback from the OSC meeting held on 12 December 2024. He advised that the Committee recommended to the Joint Cabinet Committee that there be a significant amount of face-to-face consultation that created dialogue with residents. In response to further points raised, officers confirmed that there would be work carried out prior to the consultation to make the documents easier for residents to access them. At this point, an amendment to include an additional consultation question regarding the Plan end date was proposed by Councillor Davison and seconded by Councillor Williams. Following an extensive debate on this proposal a vote was taken, and by 2 votes in favour to 4 votes against, this recommendation fell. The Committee then deliberated the recommendation from WDC OSC. The Chair of SDC OSC expressed support, recommending that consultation be promoted within local areas by all councillors across both districts. Members were advised that it was officers’ intention to conduct as much face-to-face consultation as possible. Thereafter, it was unanimously RESOLVED: That there be a significant amount of face-to-face consultation that created dialogue with residents. Discussion was then held on the revisions to the Vision Statement and to Recommendations (1) and (7), and the comments from Councillor Davison in line with Recommendation (7), that the consultation emphasised that the housing numbers were mandated and not by choice, which was agreed. Following which, it was unanimously RESOLVED: (1) That the regulatory framework and oversight that Central Government set for the formation of a local plan be noted, including the approach for identifying housing and employment need, and noted in particular that the Government had mandated a new standard method for housing numbers in its revised NPPF published 12 December 2024; (2) That the importance of a sound, in date Local Plan, in order to prevent the uncoordinated delivery of potentially less favourable sites for development, be noted; (3) That the extensive work that had been undertaken to date to inform the preparation of the South Warwickshire Local Plan be noted, including the decision of the Joint Cabinet Committee on 1 August 2024, in relation to required levels of housing growth; (4) That the level of employment growth/need across the Local Plan period be noted and the provision levels set out in Table 2 of paragraph 1.32 of the agenda report be endorsed; (5) That the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal (attached at Appendix 2 to the agenda report) that accompanied and informed the South Warwickshire Local Plan Preferred Options consultation be noted; (6) That the South Warwickshire Local Plan Preferred Options document (attached at Appendix 1 to the agenda report) be endorsed for consultation, commencing in January 2025 for a period of eight weeks, noting that not all the sites put forward were required to be allocated in order to meet the overall requirements for housing and employment growth; (7) That the Head of Development (Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC)) and Head of Place, Arts & Economy (Warwick District Council (WDC)) be authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Planning and Economic Development (SDC) and Place (WDC), to make any final editorial and presentational amendments to Appendix 1 of the agenda report, including acknowledging changes arising from the revised NPPF, prior to commencement of the consultation; and (8) That the updated South Warwickshire Local Plan timetable (attached at Appendix 3 to the agenda report) be approved and its inclusion in both Council’s future Local Development Scheme (LDS) updates be supported. Note: This item is subject to call-in to the OSC
Date of Decision: December 12, 2024