Decision Maker: Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: 9.1 The report provides an update on the regeneration of Parkwood. 9.2 RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee notes the progress made on the regeneration of Parkwood. 9.3 Reasons for Decision 9.3.1 This is a progress update on the successful funding bid for Parkwood. 9.4 Alternatives Considered and Rejected 9.4.1 Do nothing: In reality, do nothing would mean the continued improvement to the park via the restoration conditions in the planning application for the former landfill site. It would mean that the former Ski Village site would remain derelict and subject to anti-social behaviour. 9.4.2 Do More: To do more would require an increase in funding. This is not currently required to deliver the outputs related to the approved funding bid. 9.4.3 Chosen Options: The options in the report represent the best way of delivering the contracted funding outputs.
Date of Decision: December 18, 2024