

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Major Developments and Housing Delivery


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes


Content: To enter into a Direct Award contract with Plexal for the purposes of providing payment for work already delivered for both GCC and CBC. This includes a community engagement project for the Golden Valley Development project and delivering a project for GCC which is a three-staged approach to enhance the skills ecosystem within Gloucestershire. CBC will be lead procurer and procure on behalf of GCC. A breakdown of the costs are as follows: CBC’s Golden Valley Community Engagement project - £10k [work completed] GCC’s skills project phase 1 - £20k [work completed] The next phase of the GCC skills project is to be split into an extended scope phase of £50k, followed by an implementation phase of £150k. Plexal has specialised expertise that is critical for CBC’s and GCC’s projects. Plexal has been able to tailor a solution for both Council’s projects that are not easily available on the market when the requirement is highly specific. This Direct Award enables both Councils to continue their relationship with Plexal to enable continuity of service to avoid any disruption to the project’s timeframes. Plexal has demonstrated innovative solutions and quality outputs which both Councils have been pleased with.  Plexal has been working with CBC for a number of years and are a highly trusted company, who understand the organisations needs and requirements. Plexal has already delivered the Community Engagement project for CBC and have begun the first stage of the GCC Skills project. Plexal is part of the Bloom framework, and this is the only way to procure Plexal via Direct Award. CBC already have an established relationship with Plexal and are happy to be lead procurer for these two projects. To manage a payment schedule between GCC and CBC a Participation Agreement by One Legal has been developed and is to be signed by both Councils to agree payment dates and outline risks involved. Plexal has completed and began these projects in good faith and require payment. These projects are critical for the development of Gloucestershire’s skills eco-system and Cheltenham’s pivotal Social Value outcomes for the Golden Valley Development. GCC have requested CBC lead the procurement with Plexal due to our already established relationship with them. CBC’s Director of Governance, Claire Hughes, approves of the Participation Agreement approach to outline payment schedules and shared risks between the two councils.

Date of Decision: December 20, 2024