Decision Maker: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery
Outcome: Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The Cabinet Paper (E3323) approved: the release of 8 surplus Council sites and assets for use as Affordable Housing; an immediate release of funding to progress the sites with a capital programme approval of £12.154m; approved the wider social housing budget; and then stated that individual scheme business cases will be authorised through the existing capital processes and in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member. Whilst not part of the above 8 assets portfolio these have become surplus and are now being added to the programme utilising the existing capital processes. Hence, following successful consents and tendered specification this decision releases the capital funding to progress the development surplus upper parts of the property at 15, 16 & 18 Milsom Street, Bath into nine units of Affordable Housing (social rent) including essential 'landlord' repairs to the roof.
Date of Decision: December 18, 2024