outcome: The Babergh Cabinet agreed to release the funds from reserves.
summary: The decision involves the allocation of £943k from reserves to expedite the completion of outstanding repairs and to enable the delivery of the next phase of the Building Services Transformation and Improvement Programmes.
topline: The Babergh Cabinet has decided to release £943k from reserves to expedite housing repairs and improvements.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the significant amount of money being released from reserves, which could impact other areas of funding or services. Additionally, the urgency of addressing housing repairs and improvements could be a point of contention among tenants and local stakeholders.
affected_stakeholders: Tenants awaiting repairs, council housing asset management, local taxpayers, and potentially local contractors involved in the building services.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision in the provided text.
Decision Maker:
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: It was RESOLVED: - That Babergh Cabinet agreed to the release of £943k from reserves to expedite the completion of outstanding repairs and enable delivery of the next phase of the Building Services Transformation and Improvement Programmes. REASON FOR DECISION Cabinet approval is required to release this level of resource from reserves. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: 2.2 Delay the request for release of the required resources until February 2024, when the HRA budget for 2024/25 is agreed – This option is not recommended because it would slow down improvements to the quality of tenants’ homes by taking significantly longer to clear outstanding repairs, while also risking greater deterioration of the Council’s housing assets. A delay in the release of resources to deliver long term change would mean losing several months of lead in time required for commissioning of contracts and staff recruitment; in turn this would delay positive impacts for tenants and their homes. 2.3 Do nothing - This option is not recommended because it would not help to clear the backlog of outstanding repairs to tenants’ homes. In addition, the more fundamental, long term transformational improvements to service provision referred to above could not be taken forward because these also require additional resource. Any Declarations of Interests Declared: None Any Dispensation Granted: None
Date of Decision: