
The council has decided to approve a proposal for the redevelopment of a key site in Sudbury, granting authority to finalize the deal and negotiate with alternative bidders if necessary.


outcome: The council resolved to approve the recommended proposal and financial bid, grant delegated authority to the Director for Economic Growth and Climate Change to finalize legal processes, and to negotiate with alternative bidders if necessary.

summary: The decision involves approving a proposal for the economic use of an underutilized site, which is a key part of the regeneration plans for Sudbury Vision.

topline: The council has decided to approve a proposal for the redevelopment of a key site in Sudbury, granting authority to finalize the deal and negotiate with alternative bidders if necessary.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the impact on local stakeholders, the importance of the site as a gateway to the town center, and the need to balance economic development with the council's regeneration priorities.

affected_stakeholders: Local partners, the District Council, potential bidders, and the community of Sudbury, especially those living or working near the site.

contentiousness_score: This score can vary depending on the specifics of the proposal and the local context, but without additional information, a moderate score of 5 could be a placeholder.

political_party_relevance: There is no explicit mention of political parties or political influence on the decision in the provided text.


Decision Maker:


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: To report updates and seek next steps decision

Content: To report updates and seek next steps decision It was RESOLVED: -   1.1          That the preferred recommended proposal including the financial bid outlined in confidential Appendix B attached to this report be approved. 1.2          That delegated authority be given to the Director for Economic Growth and Climate Change, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Cabinet Member for Assets and Investments, to progress and conclude any legal processes and agreements in respect of the recommended proposal. 1.3          That should the preferred bidder withdraw or otherwise not proceed on the terms proposed that, prior to any binding agreement, the Director for Economic Growth and Climate Change be given delegated authority to proceed to negotiate with an alternative bidder or to agree amended terms for the disposal provided that best consideration reasonably obtainable is achieved and that the Council’s wider regeneration priorities for the site and wider town are delivered.   REASON FOR DECISION 1.    The site has been unused for several years and forms a gateway to the town centre so bringing it back into economic use is a key part of the regeneration plans for the Sudbury Vision. 2.    If the preferred bidder drops out or otherwise does not progress on terms proposed, the Council will be able to move forward with an alternative proposal or terms provided it meets best value requirements. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: 1.1           DO NOTHING (Not Recommended) – Cabinet and local partners have agreed this is not an option. The site continues to be retained and maintained by the District Council. The land remains under-utilised and a cost burden to the Council, including from regular incidents of vandalism and break-ins. Vision and Strategic Priorities remain undelivered at this key gateway to Sudbury. Any Declarations of Interests Declared: None Any Dispensation Granted: None  

Date of Decision: