Decision Maker:
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: i) Review the council’s forecast £7,646k (£5,550k at Quarter 1) revenue overspend on council services, before the potential release of in-year contingencies. ii) Review the council’s forecast revenue outturn break-even position after the potential release of in year contingencies. iii) Review the 2024/25 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) forecast which shows an in year overspend of £11,424k (£8,368k at Quarter 1), £3,716k above the planned position. This will take the projected total DSG unusable reserve deficit to £38,884k. iv) Note that there are no revenue budget virements requiring approval. v) Approve the changes to reserve usage. vi) Approve the changes to the capital programme totalling £25,368 and reprofiling of £41,883k into future years. vii) Review the Prudential Indicators reported in appendix 6 as per the requirements of the Treasury Management code of practice.
Date of Decision: December 9, 2024