Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Ask for approval to procure a contract for a Concessionary Travel Mobility Assessment supplier and to ask for authority to award the new contract to the successful bidder.
Content: Ask for approval to procure a contract for a Concessionary Travel Mobility Assessment supplier and to ask for authority to award the new contract to the successful bidder. RESOLVED: That (1) the commencement of a procurement exercise for a Concessionary Travel Mobility Assessment supplier with a total contract value up to £700k for the assessment of non-automatic applications as well as the full concessionary travel service administration, subject to demonstration of Best Value, for an initial contract term of three years with the option to extend for a period of up to two years in twelve-month segments (3 +1 +1) be approved; (2) the Director for Digital, Data & The Customer Experience be authorised, following consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Performance, Communications and Customer Experience, to make any changes required to the process to deliver this procurement successfully; (3) following the procurement exercise, the Strategic Director of Finance be authorised, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Performance, Communications and Customer Experience, and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Highways, to award the new contract to the successful bidder. Reason for Decision: The value of the contract to deliver the service was in excess of £500,000. Therefore, Cabinet approval was required to re-procure the service. Endorsing the recommendation would ensure a competitive procurement process resulting in the award of the contract and enabling non-automatic assessments for Concessionary Travel.
Date of Decision: December 17, 2024