Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet received a report from the Chief Executive to enable Cabinet to make appointments to a number of Outside Bodies and Partnerships following the revisions to the composition of Cabinet. Councillors were reminded that Members nominated to outside bodies, partnerships and boards by Cabinet were representing the views of Cabinet in such positions, rather than any views they might hold as individuals. It was recommended that appointments be aligned as closely as possible to individual Cabinet Members’ portfolios. It was proposed by Councillor Caroline Jackson and seconded by Councillor Dowding: “That the appointments to the Outside Bodies be agreed and appended to the minutes.” Resolved unanimously: That the appointments to the Outside Bodies be agreed and appended to the minutes. Officer responsible for effecting the decision: Chief Officer Governance Reasons for making the decision: Representation on Outside Bodies is part of the City Council’s Leadership role.
Date of Decision: December 3, 2024