Decision Maker: Planning Policy Manager
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The tree is a mature Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) that appears to be exhibiting normal vigour and vitality for the species – a detailed VTA was not possible due to access restrictions and as such the tree’s full condition has not been assessed. The Oak is located within the rear garden of a residential dwelling and provides an unobstructed view from the highway – offering a high level of public amenity value to the street scene. There is development on site and there has already been a degree of site clearance – potential for tree loss or damage is foreseeable.
Content: The tree is a mature Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) that appears to be exhibiting normal vigour and vitality for the species – a detailed VTA was not possible due to access restrictions and as such the tree’s full condition has not been assessed. The Oak is located within the rear garden of a residential dwelling and provides an unobstructed view from the highway – offering a high level of public amenity value to the street scene. There is development on site and there has already been a degree of site clearance – potential for tree loss or damage is foreseeable. To authorise the making of the Provisional Tree Preservation Order 2144 (2024) at 70 Westbourne Avenue, Emsworth, PO10 7QU Subject to confirmation after 28 days consultation
Date of Decision: December 17, 2024